Public Hearing: The City of Burns is preparing an application for a 2024 Community Development Block Grant from Business Oregon for Water System Improvements. It is estimated that the proposed project will benefit at least 2,730 persons, of whom 54.15% will be low or moderate income.
8 months ago, Tiffany Leffler
The Burns City Council will be having a Work Session meeting on June 26, 2024 at 5:15 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers prior to the City Council meeting that is scheduled at 6:00 p.m.
8 months ago, Tiffany Leffler
Missoula Children's Theater Live Performances TODAY at 3p & 5:30p!
8 months ago, Heather Smith
MTC Hércules
8 months ago, Tiffany Leffler
Fire TRAINING - Live in Burns: Burns and Hines Fire Department will have a car fire prop from DPSST in front of the Burns fire station, on Van Buren, tomorrow evening for training with real actual fire. The training will begin at 18:00 (6pm) and go to approximately 20:00 (8pm). The training prop will include live fire! This is a scheduled training exercise and we want all citizens aware so there is no need to call 911 for this specific location/date/time frame.
8 months ago, Heather Smith
DPSST Fire Prop
DPSST Training Prop
Regional Rural Revitalization (R3) will be having a board meeting Monday, June 17, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. in the Baker City Council Chambers located at: 1655 First Street , Baker City, OR 97814. The meeting will also be available via Zoom as well.
8 months ago, Tiffany Leffler
Burns Fire responded to an illegal burn in the alley way near Pierce and Imperial today.
8 months ago, Heather Smith
Alley Fire
The Burns City Council will be holding a meeting on June 12, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the City of Burns Council Chambers.
8 months ago, Tiffany Leffler
Notice: A small brush fire started from a burn barrel behind Fairview Heights in Burns. Units from Burns and Hines responded quickly and were able to knock it down before it could affect any structures.
8 months ago, Heather Smith
Fairview Heights - Brushfire
8 months ago, Tiffany Leffler
8 months ago, Tiffany Leffler
Recording of the June 5, 2024 Planning Commission meeting: Passcode:9%lNf@kb
8 months ago, Tiffany Leffler
The City of Burns is experiencing some technical difficulties, and our internet is down. We are working to fix things and hope this will not cause any issue with our scheduled meetings (Budget Meeting and Planning Commission) but if you are unable to Zoom in please feel free to join us down at City Hall. Thank you for your understanding.
8 months ago, Tiffany Leffler
Planning Commission Agenda & Packet:
8 months ago, Tiffany Leffler
Fire Wise 2024! Learn how to protect your home by creating defensible space! 10a -2p at the Big R parking lot.
9 months ago, Heather Smith
Fire Wise
Congratulations to Officer Jake Hatley who graduated today from the DPSST Basic Police Academy Class #437. We're excited to have you back serving our community!
9 months ago, Emerson Budreau
Officer Hatley Graduation
9 months ago, Tiffany Leffler
9 months ago, Tiffany Leffler
UPDATE: WATER IS BACK ON PUBLIC NOTICE: There will be water interruptions for maintenance for about 20 mins on Pierce St. and Hines Blvd. Please be mindful of the Public Works crew while out driving. Thank you.
9 months ago, Tiffany Leffler